Beth and Faith, both young sisters in their twenties dealing with Muscular Dystrophy. As if that alone wasn’t enough, there is still the every day occasional injury that most of us experience at some time in our lives.

Beth was simply picking up her nephew one day as she had plenty of times before, except this time she felt a pain on her lower back radiating upward. She also experienced shortness of breath and would wake up in the morning having to inhale deeply  just to catch her breath.

Faith experienced pain at a lot younger age. At the age of thirteen while playing ball she leaned over to pick up a ball when she not only heard but also felt a crack which kept her down for two weeks. After that, she experienced terrible debilitating headaches and chronic pain/inflammation which would come on suddenly.

After two months of chiropractic treatments, they are both close to 100% recovery from their pain — not having to deal with pain on a daily basis. We recognize that not every case is the same and that there are circumstances where an individual has to take prescription drugs. In those cases, we can still incorporate the philosophy of  “Finding the cause and treating it Naturally,” which is the foundation for the body to heal itself. We just supply the tools to make it so.