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Brain Health and Balance Here are the 10 Questions taken from the Alzheimer’s Assoc. website(1)? Memory loss that disrupts daily life Challenges in planning or solving problems Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work or at leisure Confusion with time or place Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships New problems with words…
Brain Health and Balance Did you know that 30-60% of Alzheimer’s patients could be notably more happy and interactive? For those of you who have relatives who suffer with this, that is no surprise. This is a condition that robs the brain of memories, the ability to make new ones, confidence, the ability to…
Brain Health and Balance “How important is exercise to my brain health?”, you may ask. “Such exercise lowers your odds of getting the disease [Alzheimer’s] by more than 60 percent.” – –John Medina, author of Brain Rules That’s immensely effective and important. So, now the question is: What type and how much exercise? The next 3…
Brain Health and Balance “How little can I exercise and still preserve brain health?”, you may ask. “Such exercise lowers your odds of getting the disease [Alzheimer’s] by more than 60 percent.” – –John Medina, author of Brain Rules “Leisure exercise” can cut the risk of dementia by a whopping 50%. I know what you’re thinking “leisure” and…
Brain Health and Balance Have you ever seen a basset hound with dementia? Could it be that they have such great sniffers? I agree; that probably has nothing to do with it. Nevertheless, your sense of smell is a strong predictor of your future brain health, within certain parameters. The first question analytical…
Brain Health and Balance Have you heard that sleep is important for your brain? Are they a waste of time when it comes to improving your brain health? The National Sleep Foundation says this about sleep(1): If sleep is cut short, the body doesn’t have time to complete all of the phases needed for muscle…
Brain Health and Balance You do these games, or you know several people that do. Are they a waste of time when it comes to improving your brain health? Well, that does depend upon who you talk to, but since you are talking to me, I will share some research and then…
Brain Health and Balance If you could predict whether or not you would get dementia in the next 10 years, would you do it? This is a question that we may need to answer soon, because the test has been proven in research. Here is a short video and article describing the test…
Once-A-Monthly Summary and Preview Brain Health and Balance This will be a full and exciting month of learning how to keep and restore a healthy brain. These are many of the issues we will cover this month: Would you like to receive these topic posts in your email? Sign up here. (To…
–According to the CDC, one out of three people 65 and older falls each year and 20% to 30% of people who fall suffer moderate to severe injuries. So, if you are over 65, that is important. What if you are younger? Well, then the interest may be athletics or good brain function. We are…