We understand that you never asked for this accident and injury. You have much better things to do with your time than take care of this new problem. In fact, you were probably really busy managing things before this happened. We see many patients that have been trying to recover from their accident for years before they found us. We can almost always help those people, but hopefully you are catching this early, before the scar tissue or neurological mal-adaptation sets in.

We would like to help you determine how bad the accident was on you, not just your car. To do that, we perform a thorough evaluation, also taking x-rays if needed. If you are unsure if this is an approach you want to take, we can start with a simple Auto accident Severity Evaluation. Click the link to see it.

Call us at 559-635-8266 to schedule your Accident Severity Evaluation. Print this out and tell us you have it to make the evaluation free. Then we will let you know what options we recommend for your recovery.

If you simply want more information, fill out the form at this link, and we will send you email and hard-copies of the:

  1. Free report: Recover from the Accident
  2. Certificate for Accident Severity Evaluation,
  3. Recover from your accident report email series.

Hope for a Car Accident Victim

I can recall a time that pain was all I felt.  I was involved in a car accident and started experiencing neck pain, upper and lower back pain, hip pain, foot pain and headaches.  I was overwhelmed with pain. I tried physical therapy for three weeks.  Dr. Hobbs says that physical therapy can do a… Read more “Hope for a Car Accident Victim”

Virginia Arenas