1) Related Conditions: Stomach and Intestinal problems including; IBS, Reflux, GERD, Colitis, Diarrhea, Constipation, Cancer and others.
2) Why Change: These problems interfere with social times, hobbies, sports and often are associated with immune problems, malnutrition,
food sensitivities, allergy problems, and even cancer. 60% of the immune system surrounds the GIT which makes it a critical first line of defense
or a source of over activity of the entire immune system. Also, the cells of the GIT must be healthy to properly digest and absorb nutrients for
the whole body.
3) Reason for Hope: Most of the conditions can improve dramatically and possibly even completely.
4) Typical Medical Approach: Diagnosis by pathological stool analysis (LINK), colonoscopy (LINK). Treatment of polyps, ulcer, bleeding,
cancer or irritation by drugs (anti-inflammatory, AB’s, steroids, antacids) or surgery. These are great tools to assess the need for emergency
approaches (drugs /surgery), but do little or nothing to promote health the critical health emergency has past.
5) Our approach:
We start with questionnaires (LINK) and a good consultation with the doctor so that we have a good idea about your day-to-day function before you spend much time, money or effort. Then we perform an exam. Although we expect that the nutritional approach is going to be primary, the nervous system function is important to evaluate and treat as needed.
Lab testing is usually done for cases of digestive problems. Look over our common lab tests to see how they are helpful for revealing information that can be helpful for cases like yours: https://www.visaliasynergy.com/nutritional/
The 4 R Program
- Remove Irritants and Promoters of Dysbiosis (incl. excess sugar and overgrowths of harmful bacteria or yeast).
- Replace deficiencies like enzymes and/or acid
- Reinoculate – with any missing beneficial bacterial via supplements or cultured yogurt.
- Repair– Nourish the intestinal cells so they can heal, growing strong and fully functional other preventative measures: fiber, Calcium,
Vitamin D, etc.
Consider Neurological Influence
- With any chronic (and many traumatic) conditions, it is important to consider all the causes.
- With IBS, it is clear that there are changes in the brain that are related to the condition and to increased pain. (http://www.gastrojournal.
org/article/S0016-5085%2810%2900482-8/abstract) - With celiac disease, it is clear that brain damage occurs and continues to occur if a strict gluten-free diet is not maintained. (http://jnnp.bmj.